Regulations for the treatment of waste

SEDE implements waste recovery solutions in compliance with regulations. The sites and channels proposed by SEDE are adapted to each type of by-product and are environmentally friendly.


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Regulations for Landspreading

Waste may be spread on agricultural land in accordance with the general waste legislation framework.

The agricultural use of sewage sludge is regulated by the "Sludge" Directive No. 86/278/EEC of 12 June 1986, which states that sewage sludge may be used in agriculture provided that States regulate its use.

At the national level, sludge regulation results in :

  • for urban sludge, the amended Order of 8 January 1998,
  • for industrial sludge, the amended Order of 2 February 1998 (with the exception of paper sludge, which is governed by the Order of 3 August 2000).


Composting regulations

A non-hazardous waste composting platform is regulated under ICPE 2780 and depending on the waste treated, the site can be classified as 2780-1,2 or 3.

A platform may be subject to authorisation, registration or reporting according to thresholds defined in relation to the incoming quantity of non-hazardous waste. National decrees relating to the general prescriptions applicable to classified composting installations are available on the Légifrance website.

Additionally, a composting plant may also process certain category 2 and 3 animal by-products, if it has a health approval in accordance with European Regulation 1069-2009 laying down health rules concerning animal by-products.


Regulation concerning the digestion channel

A non-hazardous waste digestion facility is regulated under ICPE 2781 and depending on the waste treated, the site may be classified as 2781-1 or 2781-2.

A biogas plant may be subject to authorisation, registration or reporting according to thresholds defined in relation to the type of non-hazardous waste input. National decrees relating to the general prescriptions applicable to digestion are available on the Légifrance website.

Technical aspects related to storage, disposal of surpluses and recovery of biogas shall also be taken into account when determining the classification for other installations.

In addition, the digestion unit must also have a health approval according to European Regulation 1069-2009 laying down health rules concerning animal by-products in order to be able to accept animal by-products of category 2 and 3.